
If you do not like your product, you can return it up to 14 days from the date of order delivery.

  • Make sure that the returned product have no damage, is complete  and that it  contain the original packaging. Especially important for our Crystal Grid Kit.
  • Fill in the return form on our website. We will appreciate if you include it in the returned package. If you do not have a printer, it is OK, please send it in electronic form to our email:
  • Even though you do not need to give us the reason for your return, it will be greatly appreciated – your opinion matters to us!
  • Please send the package to:
    High Light
    ul. Szlak 21/8B
    31-161 Kraków
  • Remember that we do not accept parcels sent COD.
  • We can refuse late returns and items that are found to be damaged.
  • The return is shipped at your own expense.
  • The full amount will be refunded using the exact same method you chose to place your order.


It is not possible to exchange any our products.. If you want different product, simply return your original order for a full refund and order new products.


If your product is defective, you have the right to file a complaint. For details, please visit the "Terms and conditions" tab.

  • in the complaint, provide the following data:
    - Your contact details
    - order number;
    - product name or number 
    - description and date of the defect found;
    - Your request (request to remove the defect, replace the product with a new one, reduce the price or withdraw)
  • We will appreciate if you include this information in your package. If you do not have a printer, it's okay, send it in electronic version to our email:
  • Please send the package to:
    High Light
    ul. Szlak 21/8B
    31-161 Kraków
  • Within 14 days of receiving the product, we will inform you about how to resolve the complaint.